Bachelor (Food and Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada)
Master (Food Science, Universitas gadjah Mada)
Doctorate (Food Nutrition, Tokyo University of Agriculture)
Areas of Expertise
Food and Nutition, Functional Food
Current Research
- A Comparison The Effects of Anthocyanin Extract and Simvastatin on Lipid Profile,
Blood Glucose and Antioxidant Status in Hyperglycemic Rats - Development of Black Rice Cereal Functional Food Production As Antidiabetes
Journal Articles
- Astadi, IR., Astuti, M., Santoso, U., Nugraheni, P.S. (2009). In Vitro Antioxidanty Activity
of Anthocyanins of black Soybean Seed Coat in Human Low Density Lipoprotein.
Elsivier. - Marsigit, W., Astuti, M., Anggrahini, S. dan Naruki, S. (2016). Kandungan Gizi
Nurrahman, Astuti, M., Suparmo and Soesatyo, MHNE. (2011). The effect of black soybean
tempe and its ethanol extract on lymphocyte proliferation and IgA secretion in
Salmonella typhimurium induced rat. African Journal of Food Science Vol. 5(14), pp.
775-779. - Nurrahman, Astuti, M., Suparmo, dan Soesatyo, MHNE. (2012). Peran tempe kedelai hitam
dalam meningkatkan aktivitas enzim antioksidan dan daya tahan limfosit tikus terhadap
hydrogen peroksida in vivo. Journal Unimus pp. 1-13. - Nurrahman, Astuti, M., Suparmo dan Soesatyo, MHNE. (2013). The role of black soybean
tempe in increasing antioxidant enzyme activity and human lymphocyte proliferation in
vivo. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol.App.Sci. - Nurhidajah, Astuti, M., Murdiati, A., dan Sardjono. (2017). Profil antioksidan darah tikus
diabetes dengan asupan beras merah yang diperkaya kappa-karagenan dan ekstrak
antosianin. Journal Agritech. - Krisbianto, O., Astuti, M., Marsono, Y. 2016. Antihyperglycemic effect and antioxidants
properties of black rice (Oryza sativa L. Indica) cereal and anthocyanin extract on
health and histopathology of hyperglycemic rats. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 15 (7),
pp. 702-707. - Nisa, F.Z., Astuti, M., Murdiati, A., Haryana, S.M. 2017. Anti-proliferation and apoptosis
induction of aqueous leaf extract of Carica papaya L. On human breast cancer cells
MCF-7. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 20 (1), pp. 36-41.
- Mary Astuti. The Origin of Soybean in Indonesia. 1st International Conference on
Biodiversity, Food Security, and Health. November, 22-23, 2016, Yogyakarta. - Oki Krisbianto, Mega Mustika, and Mary Astuti. Sensory Properties and Antioxidant Activity
of Steamed Rice with Various of Black and White Rice Ratio. International Food
Conference. October 20-21, 2016, Surabaya. - Mary Astuti, Y. marsono, Angga Pratama, and Mita Nurul Azkia. A Comparison The Effects
of Anthocyanin Extract and Simvastatin on Lipid Profile, Blood Glucose and
Antioxidant Status in Hyperglycemic Rats. National Patpi Seminar 2017. October10-
11, 2016, Yogyakarta.
- 2012. Petunjuk Praktis Kedelai Hitam. Penebar Swadaya.
- 2014. Pedoman Gizi Seimbang. Kementrian Kesehatan RI.
- 2014. Indigenius Fermented Foods of South East Asia. Taylor and Francis Group
- 2015. Health Benefit of Fermented Foods and Beverage. CRC Press
- 2002, Received Technology Inovatian Award from Harian Kedaulatan, Indonesia.
- 2005, Received “Can Do” Award From PT. Unilever Indonesia.
- 2010, Received Tempe Researcher Award From Forum Tempe Indonesia, Indonesia.
- 2015, Received Foof Technology Development Award From Minister of Agriculture,
Indonesia. - 2016, Received Adhikarya Pangan Nusantara Award From Minister of Agriculture,