On Monday, September 6, 2021, the Introduction to Agricultural Technology course at TPHP UGM held a guest lecture with the theme “Manners and Ethics”. This guest lecture was delivered by Diana Setiyawati from the Faculty of Psychology UGM and hosted by Dr. Dwi Larasatie Nur Fibri, S.T.P., M.Sc., a lecturer at TPHP UGM. The guest lecture which took place at 09.06-10.46 WIB was held using joinpd.com from peardeck.com where students can give direct responses online and immediately displayed.
Manners, ethics, and morality are formed from parents or family as the first environment, peers, and the surrounding environment (including cyberspace) so that they become part of everyday life. The benefits of maintaining ethics are that it can be used as a guideline, can improve welfare, maintain order, and have a sense of responsibility. In addition, ethics is a representation of oneself, family, and values, and determines how others value.
Ethics have symmetrical and asymmetrical forms. Symmetrical ethics or what can be referred to as The Golden Rule is applied by doing to others what you want to get from others and applying empathy. Asymmetrical ethics, on the other hand, is practiced by being cautious with others, especially if the other party has more resources and power.
In demanding knowledge, ethics are also needed, including having a clear and straight vision, being serious in learning and always feeling thirsty for knowledge, not being arrogant and not being shy in demanding knowledge, listening carefully, being silent when lessons are delivered, trying to understand the knowledge delivered, tying knowledge or lessons with writing, practicing, teaching, and praying.
In addition, students need to apply ethics to lecturers and the ethics of peer association. Ethics to lecturers that must be applied are appreciating their knowledge, appreciating their efforts, appreciating their life journey, appreciating their personal life, appreciating their busyness, and communicating using polite language. Then, the ethics of peer relationships that need to be applied include maintaining feelings, protecting themselves, maintaining their honor, and thinking ahead.
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