The practicum activity of Product Development and Process Technology of TPHP UGM held a guest lecture by inviting Erick Saeropie, staff of the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights. The guest lecture which took place on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, at 13.30-15.00 WIB was hosted by Bambang Dwi Wijatniko, S.T.P., M.Agr.Sc., M.Sc. This guest lecture was held through the Webex platform and was attended by 92 participants.
Intellectual property is wealth that arises from thinking to produce products and is recognized by the state. Intellectual property consists of copyright and industrial property rights. Copyright gives birth to exclusive rights to copyrighted works and a certain period, oversees the utilization of economic rights, and gives birth to moral rights that protect the image and integrity of the creator. Some of the works included in the copyright include optical discs, teaching aids, musical scores, operas, paintings, folders, musical arts, program systems, books, hardware, and globes. Meanwhile, industrial property rights are products both goods and services that are built at a cost and intellectual thought to support the business industry. Some of the works included in industrial property rights include plant variety protection, patents, industrial designs, integrated circuit layouts, trademarks, and trade secrets.
A trademark is a sign that can be in the form of images, names, words, numbers, combinations, and color arrangements that have distinguishing power and are used in trading activities of goods or services. Goods or services that will be registered trademark need to be determined class (class 1-34 is the class of goods and class 35-45 is services) with the assistance of intellectual property consultants or a team from the Directorate General of IPR, because the determination of this class concerns the protection of goods or services sold especially the classes of trademarks are very likely to intersect each other.
The process of determining a trademark class on products or services that are relevant to the products or services sold can be done independently, namely by checking it on the link https://pdki-indonesia.dgip.go.id/. Then, an application form for IP registration is filled out by the applicant or trademark owner which is then submitted to the Directorate General of IP. The period of completion of Intellectual Property registration starts from the time the application for IP registration is received in full, which is about 17 months.
The trademark protection system needs to pay attention to the following three things, namely the first-to-file principle, adhering to justice, and the constitutive principle. The first-to-file principle is the granting of exclusive rights to the trademark will be granted by the state if the trademark owner has registered the trademark at the Directorate General of IP first. Fairness means that it is based on legal protection for those who use the trademark first and register it at the Directorate General of IP. The constitutive principle means that the protection of IP is only obtained by the right recipient who registers the trademark at the Directorate General of IP.
The video of the Product Development Practicum Guest Lecture can be accessed through the following link