Prof. Dr. Ir. Umar Santoso, M.Sc.
Dosen Departemen Teknologi Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian
Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Sarjana: Teknologi Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Master: Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan
Doctorate: Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan.
Minat Penelitian
Kimia Pangan, Antioksidan, Pangan Halal
Penelitian Saat Ini
- Antioxidants from leaves commonly used as traditional food packaging in Indonesia
- Preparation and application of gelatin from buffallo for food ingredients
- The chemical composition of coconut sap and Maillard reaction in the coconut sugar processing
- The chemical and physical changes of stingbeans during processing
1. Artikel Jurnal
- Mulyani S., F. M. C.Setyabudi, S, Pranoto, Y. and Santoso, U., 2017. The Effect of pretreatments using hydrochloric acid on the characteristics of buffallo hide gelatin. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture (JITAA), 42 (1) :14-22.
- Pepita, H., Supriyadi, Djagal Wiseso Marseno, Umar Santoso, 2017.Chemical properties of coconut sap obtained at different tapping time and addition of preservatives. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE &TECHNOLEDGE Vol 5 (3): 52-59.
- Rohadi, Sri Raharjo, Iip Izul Falah, 2016. Aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak biji duwet (Syzigium cumini Linn.) pada peroksidasi lipida secara in vitro. Agritech Vol 36 (1) :p 30-37.
- Nazarni, R., Eni Harmayani, Umar Santoso, Purnama Darmadji, 2016., Idenitifikasi bakteri asam laktat dan aktivitas penghambatan radikal pada jeruk tigarun (Crateva nuevala, Buch Mam). Agritech 36 (3) : 317-326.
- Nafly Comilo Tiven, Lies Mira Yusiati, Rusman, Umar Santoso, 2015. Pengaruh Proteksi CPO dengan Formaldehid terhadap Kecernaaan dan Performa Domba Ekor Tipis. Buletin Peternakan Vol 39 (2) : 78-83. Juni 2015.
- Sri Hartati, Yustinus Marsono, Suparmo,Umar Santoso, 2015. Komposisi kimia serta aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak hidrofilik bekatul beberapa varietas padi. Agritech 35 (1): 35-.
- Ulyatu, F., Pudji, H., Tyas, U., and Umar, S., 2015. The changes of sesaminol trigulcoside and antioxidant properties during fermenteation of sesame milk by Lctobacillus plantarum Dad 13. International Food Res Journal. 22 (5) : 1945-1952.
- Ulyatu Fitrotin, Tyas Utami, Pudji Hastuti and Umar Santoso, 2015. Antioxidant properties of fermented sesame milk using Lctobacillus plantarum Dad 13. International Research Journal of Biological Sciences Vol 4 (6) : 56-61. June 2015.
- Umar Santoso, 2015. Food Security : What we can do. Abstract. General Lecture.UGM Dream 2015. OIA UGM.
- Titiek, F. D., Umar, S., Nur Cahyanto, M., Takuya, S., Endang, S. R. and Kosuke, 2013. Effect of indigenous lactic acid bacteria fermentation on enrichment of isoflavone and antioxidant properties of kerandang (Canavalia virosa) extract. International Food Research Journal 20(5): 2945-2950 (2013).
- Sulvi, P., Umar, S., Supriyadi and Murdijati, G., 2013. Taste compounds from crude extract of bekkai lan (Albertisia papuana Becc.). J. Foof & Nutr Sciences. Science Publishing Group. P. 1 (4) : 33-37.
- Tamrin, Harijono, Sudarminto Setyo Yuwono, Teti Estiasih and Umar Santoso, 2012. Various Temperature of Vacuum and Conventional Roasting on Color Alteration and Polyphenols Content of Cocoa Powder .J. Food Science and Engineering 2 (2012) 603-615.
- Sulvi, P., Umar, S., Supriyadi and Murdijati, G., 2012. Umami potential from crude extract of Bekkai lan (Albertisia papuana Becc.) leaves, an indegenous plant in East Kalimantan-Indonesia. International Food Research Journal 20(2): 545-549 (2013).
- Dwiyati Pujimulyani, Agung Wazyska, Sri Anggrahini and Umar Santoso, 2012. Antioxidantive properties of white saffron (Curcuma mangga Val.) in the in vivo assay. Agritech 32 (4) : 392-396.
- Titiek Farianti Djaakfar, Umar Santoso, Muhammad Nur Cahyanto, dan Endang Sutriswati Rahayu, 2012. Pengaruh perendaman dan perebusan terhadap kandungan protein, gula, total fenolik, dan aktivitas antioksidan kerandang. Agritech Vo. 32 (3) : 294-300.
- Tamrin Kendari, Harijono, Sudarminto S Y., Teti Estiasih, and Umar Santoso, 2012. The change of catechin antioxidant during vacuum roasting of cocoa. Jurnal of Nutrition & Food Science Vol 2 (10) : 1-5.
- Suharyani Amperawati, Purnama Darmadji, Umar Santoso, 2012. Daya hambat asap cair tempurung kelapa terhadap pertumbuhan jamur pada kopra selama penjemuran dan kualitas minyak yang dihasilkan. Agritech Vol. 12 (2): 192-198.
- Rusdin Rauf, Umar Santoso, Suparmo,2012. Aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak gambir yang dipurifikasi menggunakan kromatografi kolom sephadex LH-20. Agritech Vol. 12 (2): 167-172.
- Nugraheni, M., Santoso, U., Suparmo, and Wuryastuti, H., 2011. Cellular antioxidant activity and antiproliferative activity of ethanolic extract of Coleus tuberosus. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 6(32), pp. 4707-4718, 22 August, 2012.
- Nugraheni, M., Santoso, U., Suparmo, and Wuryastuti, H., 2011. Potential of Coleus tuberosus as an antioxidant and cancer chemoprevention agent. International Food Res Journal 18 (4): 1471-1480.
- Umar Santoso, 2011. The Development of Halal Foods in Indonesia. Proceeding of The 12Th ASEAN Food Conference, held by FoSTAT and FIFSTA,Bangkok, Thailand, 15-18 June 2011.
- Nugraheni, M., Santoso, U., Suparmo, and Wuryastuti, H., 2011. In vitro antioxidant, antiproliferative and apoptosis effects of Coleus tuberosus L. African Journal of Food Scie Vol. 5 (4), pp. 232-241.
- Pujimulyani, D., Raharjo, S., Marsono, Y., and Santoso, U., 2010. Aktivitas antioksidan dan kadar senyawa fenolik pada kunir putih (Curuma mangga Val.) segar dan setelah blanching. Agritech Vol. 30 (2) : 68-74.
- Pujimulyani, D., Raharjo, S., Marsono, Y., and Santoso, U., 2010. Pengaruh blanching terhadap aktivitas antioksidan , kadar fenol, flavonoid, dan tannin terkondensasi kunir putih (Curcuma mangga Val.). Agritech , 30 (3) : 141-147.
- Rusdin Rauf, Umar Santoso, Suparmo, 2010. Aktivitas Penangkapan Radical Bebas DPPH Ekstrak Gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb.). Agritech Vol. 30 (1) : 1-5.
- Dwiyati Pujimulyani, Agung Wazyka, Sri Anggrahini dan Umar Santoso, 2010. Pengaruh penambahan gula dan asam sitrat terhadap aktivitas antioksidan dan waktu rehidrasi bubuk instan kunir putih (Curcuma mangga Val.) hasil drum drying. Jurnal AgroSains Vol.1 (2): 28-37.
- Ignasius Radix Astadi, Mary Astuti, Umar Santoso, Prihati Sih Nugraheni, 2009. In vitro antioxidant activity of anthocyanins of black soybean seed coat in human low density lipoprotein (LDL) . Food Chem. 112 (3): Th 2009, p. 659-663.
- Godras Jati Manuhara, Djagal Wiseso Marseno, Umar Santoso, 2008. Isolasi dan karakterisasi karaginan dari rumput laut (Euchema sp.) untuk pembuatan edible film komposit. J. Teknologi Hasil Pertanian UNS, Vol. I No. 2, p. 39-45.
- Sri Anggrahini, R.R. Safitriani, dan Umar Santoso, 2007. Pengaruh penutupan dengan kain hitam dan konsentrasi etanol terhadap kandungan kurkuminoid dan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak simplisia temulawak (Curcuma xanthorhiza). J. Tekn. & IndustriPangan XVII (2): 102-108.
- Umar Santoso, Triastati Murdaningsih, dan Rob Mudjisihono, 2007. Produk ektrusi dari ubi jalar. J. Tekn. & Industri Pangan. Vo. XVIII ( 1) : 33-40.
- Umar Santoso, Erma Tri Astuti, Sudarmanto, Priyanto Triwitono, 2007. Pengaruh kitosan terhadap sifat fisik, kimia dan sensori tahu. Prosiding Seminar PATPI,Bandung,Juli 2007.
- Sumitro D., Sutardi, Umar Santoso, Didik Purwadi, 2006. Produksi minyak kelapa murni cara basah tanpa pemanasan. Agrosains Vol. 19 (4) : 415–433.
- Umar Santoso dan Tridjoko W Murti, 2006. Industri Pangan Halal: Prospek dan Kendala-kendalanya.ProsidingSeminarNasional PATPI, Yogyakarta, 2-3 Agustus 2006.
- Anang M Legowo, A.N. Al Baarri, M. Adnan, U. Santoso, 2006. Intensitas bau “prengus” dan deteksi asam lemak pada susu kambing. Jurnal Pengembangan Peternakan Tropis (J. of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture), Vol 31 (4): 276-280.
- Umar Santoso, Elliks Setyaningsih, Muhammad Nur Cahyanto, 2006. Pengaruh pemanasan terhadap aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak ubi jalar.Agritech Vol. 26 (4).
- Ardiyanto Pranata, Sri Raharjo, Umar Santoso, Haryadi, 2005. Degradasibixinselamapemanasan dan pencahayaan. Agritech Vol. 26 (4).
- Umar Santoso, Nur Djamilah, Murdijati Gardjito, 2006. Karakteristik fisik, kimia dan sensori jam dan jelly dari jonjot labu kuning. J. Tekn.& Industri Pangan Vol. XVII (2).
- Posman Sibuea, Sri Raharjo, Umar Santoso dan Zuheid Noor,2005. Mekanisme dan kinetika kuensing kuersetin terhadap efek fotosensitisasi pewarna makanan sintetik eritrosin dalam oksidasi minyak sawit.J.Tekn. & Industri Pangan Vol.XVI No.2:103-112.
- Dwiyati Pujimulyani, Agung Wazyka, Sri Anggrahini dan Umar Santoso, 2006. The effects of extraction methods of white saffron (Curcuma mangga Val.) on the antioxidant activity. Agritech 26 (1) : 34-38.
- Posman Sibuea, Sri Raharjo, Umar Santoso dan Zuheid Noor,2005. Mekanisme dan kinetika kuensing kuersetin terhadap efek fotosensitisasi pewarna makanan sintetik eritrosin dalam oksidasi minyak sawit. J.Tekn. & Industri Pangan Vol.XVI No.2:103-112.
- Umar Santoso, Nur Djamilah, Murdijati Gardjito, 2006. Physical, chemical, and sensory characteristics of jam and jelly made from pumpkin straws. J. Tekn.& Industri Pangan Vol. XVII (2).
- Ardiyanto Pranata, Sri Raharjo, Umar Santoso, Haryadi, 2005. Bixin degradation during heating and lighting (Degradasi bixin selama pemanasan dan pencahayaan). Agritech Vol. 26 (4).
- Umar Santoso, Elliks Setyaningsih, Muhammad Nur Cahyanto, 2006. Effect of heating on antioxidant acitivity of sweet potato extract. (Pengaruh pemanasan terhadap aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak ubi jalar) .Agritech Vol. 26 (4).
- Anang M Legowo, A.N. Al Baarri, M. Adnan, U. Santoso, 2006.Intensity of goaty smell and fatty acid composition of goat’s milk. (Intensitas bau “prengus” dan deteksi asam lemak pada susu kambing). J. of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, Vol 31 (4): 276-280.
- Sumitro D., Sutardi, Umar Santoso, Didik Purwadi, 2006. Preparation of coconut oil without heat treatment. (Produksi minyak kelapa murni cara basah tanpa pemanasan). Agrosains Vol. 19 (4) : 415–433.
- Umar Santoso, Triastati Murdaningsih, dan Rob Mudjisihono, 2007. Extrusion product from sweet potato. Produk ektrusi dari ubi jalar. J. Tekn. & Industri Pangan. Vo. XVIII ( 1) : 33-40.
- Sri Anggrahini, R.R. Safitriani, dan Umar Santoso, 2007. Pengaruh penutupan dengan kain hitam dan konsentrasi etanol terhadap kandungan kurkuminoid dan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak simplisia temulawak (Curcuma xanthorhiza). J. Tekn. & IndustriPangan XVII (2): 102-108.
- Godras Jati Manuhara, Djagal Wiseso Marseno, Umar Santoso, 2008. Isolasi dan karakterisasi karaginan dari rumput laut (Euchema sp.) untuk pembuatan edible film komposit. J. Teknologi Hasil Pertanian UNS, Vol. I No. 2, p. 39-45.
- Ignasius Radix Astadi, Mary Astuti, Umar Santoso, Prihati Sih Nugraheni, 2009. In vitro antioxidant activity of anthocyanins of black soybean seed coat in human low density lipoprotein (LDL) . Food Chem. 112 (3): Th 2009, p. 659-663.
- Dwiyati Pujimulyani, Agung Wazyka, Sri Anggrahini dan Umar Santoso, 2010. Pengaruh penambahan gula dan asam sitrat terhadap aktivitas antioksidan dan waktu rehidrasi bubuk instan kunir putih (Curcuma mangga Val.) hasil drum drying. Jurnal AgroSains Vol.1 (2): 28-37.
- Umar Santoso, 2009. Sistem Jaminan Halal di Rumah Potong Hewan. Food Review Indonesia No. Vol IV (5), Mei 2009.
- Rusdin Rauf, Umar Santoso, Suparmo, 2010. Aktivitas Penangkapan Radical Bebas DPPH Ekstrak Gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb.). Agritech Vol. 30 (1) : 1-5.
- Pujimulyani, D., Raharjo, S., Marsono, Y., and Santoso, U., 2010. Aktivitas antioksidan dan kadar senyawa fenolik pada kunir putih (Curcuma mangga Val.) segar dan setelah blanching. Agritech,Vol. 30 (2) : 68-73.
- Pujimulyani, D., Raharjo, S., Marsono, Y., and Santoso, U., 2010. The Effects of Blanching Media Treatment on the Radical Scavenging Activity of While Saffron (Curucuma mangga Val.). International Food Research Journal 17: 615-621.
- Pujimulyani, D., Raharjo, S., Marsono, Y., and Santoso, U., 2010. Pengaruh blanching terhadap aktivitas antioksidan , kadar fenol, flavonoid, dan tannin terkondensasi kunir putih (Curcuma mangga Val.). Agritech , 30 (3) : 141-147.
- Pujimulyani, D., Raharjo, S., Marsono, Y., and Santoso, U., 2010. Aktivitas antioksidan dan kadar senyawa fenolik pada kunir putih (Curuma mangga Val.) segar dan setelah blanching. Agritech Vol. 30 (2) : 68-74.
- N.C. Tiven, L.M., Yusiati, Rusman, U. Santoso. 2011. Ketahanan asam lemak tak jenuh dalam Crude Palm Oil terproteksi terhadap aktivitas mikrobia rumen domba in vitro. Media Peternakan 34 (1): 42-49. April 2011.
- Umar Santoso, 2011. Menengok Pasar Pangan Global. Harian KR, 10 Mei 2011.
- Umar Santoso, 2011. Meningkatkan Stabilitas Natural Flavor. Food Review Indonesia, vol. VII, (5): 42-44. SEAFAST, Bogor.
- Nugraheni, M., Santoso, U., Suparmo, and Wuryastuti, H., 2011. In vitro antioxidant, antiproliferative and apoptosis effects of Coleus tuberosus L. African Journal of Food Scie Vol. 5 (4), pp. 232-241.
- Nafly C Tiven, Lies Mira Yusiati, Rusman, and Umar Santoso, 2011. Minimize the hydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids in goat rumen with formaldehyde. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 11 (1) : 43-47. March 2011.
- Nafly C Tiven, Lies Mira Yusiati, Rusman, and Umar Santoso, 2011. Ketahanan asam lemak tidak jenuh dalam crude palm oil terproteksi terhadap aktivitas mikrobia rumen domba in vitro.Media Peternakan Vol. 34 (1): 42-49.
- Nugraheni, M., Santoso, U., Suparmo, and Wuryastuti, H., 2011. Potential of Coleus tuberosus as an antioxidant and cancer chemoprevention agent. International Food Res Journal 18 (4): 1471-1480.
- Nugraheni, M., Santoso, U., Suparmo, and Wuryastuti, H., 2011. Cellular antioxidant activity and antiproliferative activity of ethanolic extract of Coleus tuberosus. Journal of Medicinal Plants ResearchVol. 6(32), pp. 4707-4718, 22 August, 2012.
- Muhammad Taufik, Suharjono Triatmodjo, Yuni Erwanto, dan Umar Santoso, 2011. Aktivitas Antibakteri Minyak Cengkeh terhadap Bakteri Patogen. Agriektensia (ISSN 1412-4866) Vol 10 (1) Juli 2011, STPP – Malang.
- Umar Santoso, 2012. Optimalisasi Flavor Saribuah. Food Review Indonesia. Vol VII/No. 5/ Mei 2012.
- Rusdin Rauf, Umar Santoso, Suparmo,2012. Aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak gambir yang dipurifikasi menggunakan kromatografi kolom sephadex LH-20. Agritech Vol. 12 (2): 167-172.
- Suharyani Amperawati, Purnama Darmadji, Umar Santoso, 2012. Daya hambat asap cair tempurung kelapa terhadap pertumbuhan jamur pada kopra selama penjemuran dan kualitas minyak yang dihasilkan. Agritech Vol. 12 (2): 192-198.
- Tamrin Kendari, Harijono, Sudarminto S Y., Teti Estiasih, and Umar Santoso, 2012. The change of catechin antioxidant during vacuum roasting of cocoa. Jurnal of Nutrition & Food Science Vol 2 (10) : 1-5.
- Titiek Farianti Djaakfar, Umar Santoso, Muhammad Nur Cahyanto, dan Endang Sutriswati Rahayu, 2012. Pengaruh perendaman dan perebusan terhadap kandungan protein, gula, total fenolik, dan aktivitas antioksidan kerandang. Agritech Vo. 32 (3) : 294-300.
- Dwiyati Pujimulyani, Agung Wazyska, Sri Anggrahini and Umar Santoso, 2012. Antioxidantive properties of white saffron (Curcuma mangga Val.) in the in vivo assay. Agritech 32 (4) : 392-396.
- Sulvi, P., Umar, S., Supriyadi and Murdijati, G., 2012. Umami potential from crude extract of Bekkai lan (Albertisia papuana Becc.) leaves, an indegenous plant in East Kalimantan-Indonesia. International Food Research Journal 20(2): 545-549 (2013).
- Tamrin, Harijono, Sudarminto Setyo Yuwono, Teti Estiasih and Umar Santoso, 2012. Various Temperature of Vacuum and Conventional Roasting on Color Alteration and Polyphenols Content of Cocoa Powder .J. Food Science and Engineering 2 (2012) 603-615.
- Sulvi, P., Umar, S., Supriyadi and Murdijati, G., 2013. Taste compounds from crude extract of bekkai lan (Albertisia papuana Becc.). J. Food & Nutr Sciences. Science Publishing Group. P. 1 (4) : 33-37.
- Titiek, F. D., Umar, S., Nur Cahyanto, M., Takuya, S., Endang, S. R. and Kosuke, 2013. Effect of indigenous lactic acid bacteria fermentation on enrichment of isoflavone and antioxidant properties of kerandang (Canavalia virosa) extract. International Food Research Journal 20(5): 2945-2950 (2013)
- Ulyatu Fitrotin, Tyas Utami, Pudji Hastuti and Umar Santoso, 2015. Antioxidant properties of fermented sesame milk using Lctobacillus plantarum Dad 13. International Research Journal of Biological Sciences Vol 4 (6) : 56-61. June 2015.
- Ulyatu, F., Pudji, H., Tyas, U., and Umar, S., 2015. The changes of sesaminol trigulcoside and antioxidant properties during fermenteation of sesame milk by Lctobacillus plantarum Dad 13. International Food Res Journal. 22 (5) : 1945-1952.
- Sri Hartati, Yustinus Marsono, Suparmo,Umar Santoso, 2015. Komposisi kimia serta aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak hidrofilik bekatul beberapa varietas padi. Agritech 35 (1): 35-
- Nafly Comilo Tiven, Lies Mira Yusiati, Rusman, Umar Santoso, 2015. Pengaruh Proteksi CPO dengan Formaldehid terhadap Kecernaaan dan Performa Domba Ekor Tipis. Bu;etin Peternakan Vol 39 (2) : 78-83. Juni 2015
- Umar Santoso. 2015. Emulsifier dan Kehalalannya. Food Review Indonesia, Vol. X/No. 10, Oktober 2015.
- Umar Santoso. 2016. Sensasi Coconut Flavor. Food Review Indonesia, Vol. XI No. 7, Juli 2016.
- Rohadi, Sri Raharjo, Iip Izul Falah, 2016. Aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak biji duwet (Syzigium cumini Linn.) pada peroksidasi lipida secara in vitro. Agritech Vol 36 (1) :p 30-37.
- Umar Santoso, 2016. Kiat memilih antioksidan untuk industri pangan. Food Review Indonesia. Octob 2016.
- Umar Santoso, 2016. Tropical fruit juice. Majalah Kulinologi. Nov 2016.
- Mulyani S., F. M. C. S. Setyabudi, Y. Pranoto, Santoso, U., 2017. The Effect of pretreatments using hydrochloric acid on the characteristics of buffallo hide gelatin. Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture (JITAA), 42 (1) :14-22.
- Pepita, H., Supriyadi, Djagal Wiseso Marseno, Umar Santoso, 2017.Chemical properties of coconut sap obtained at different tapping time and addition of preservatives. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE &TECHNOLEDGE Vol 5 (3): 52-59
2. Konferensi
- Umar Santoso, Sutrisno, and Suhanan, 2005. Effects of spreading thickness and tray distance of artificial drier fueled with rice hulls on the milling quality and chemical characteristics of milled rice. Proceeding of the 9th ASEAN FOOD CONFERENCE 2005, held by FIFST, Ristek, LIPI, and PATPI, Jakarta, August 8-10 , 2005.
- Posman, Umar Santoso, Zuheid Noor and Sri Raharjo, 2005. Ability of quercetin as a singlet oxygen quencher on photosensitizing effct of erythrosine in oil-in-water emulsion. Proceeding of the 9th ASEAN FOOD CONFERENCE 2005, held by FIFST, Ristek, LIPI, and PATPI, Jakarta, August 8-10 , 2005.
- Umar Santoso dan Tridjoko W Murti, 2006. Industri Pangan Halal: Prospek dan Kendala-kendalanya. Prosiding Seminar Nasional PATPI, Yogyakarta, 2-3 Agustus 2006.
- Umar Santoso, Erma Tri Astuti, Sudarmanto, Priyanto Triwitono, 2007. Pengaruh kitosan terhadap sifat fisik, kimia dan sensori tahu. Prosiding Seminar PATPI,Bandung,Juli 2007.
- Umar Santoso, Steivie Karouw, Suparmo, dan Sutardi, 2008. Hasil samping pengolahan kelapa: Potensi, pemanfaatan, dan kendala-kendalanya. Seminar Nasional Perhimpunan Ahli Teknologi Pangan Indonesia (PATPI), di Palembang 14-16 Oktober 2008.
- Umar Santoso, Rindit Pambayun, Rusdin Rauf, Suparmo, Kapti Rahayu, dan Suwedo Hadiwiyoto, 2008. Identification of Antioxidants isolated from gambir (Uncaria gambir R.). Abstract. 14Th World Congress of Food Science & Technology, IUFoST-CIFST, Shanghai, China, 19-23 October 2008.
- Umar Santoso, Sari Mandiri, Rindit Pambayun, Suparmo, Kapti Rahayu, dan Suwedo Hadiwiyoto, 2009. Antioxidative Effect of Refined Gambir Extract on Lipid Oxidation of Cooked Ground Beef. Abstract. Paper presented in the 11Th Asean Food Conference. Held by ASEAN COST and FIFSTA, Brunei Darussalam, 19-21 October 2009.
- Umar Santoso, Sari Mandiri, Rusdin Rauf, Suparmo, Rindit Pambayun, 2010. Refined Gambir Extract inhibited lipid peroxidation in meat products. Abstract. International Seminar Emerging Issues and Technology Developments in Foods & Ingredients. Organized by PATPI, SEAFAST Center, and Dept of Food Scie & Techn, IPB, Jakarta 29-30 Sept. 2010.
- Umar Santoso, 2011. The Development of Halal Foods in Indonesia. Proceeding of The 12Th ASEAN Food Conference, held by FoSTAT and FIFSTA,Bangkok, Thailand, 15-18 June 2011.
- Taufik, M., Suharjono, T., Erwanto, Y, and Santoso, U., 2010. Effect of Broiler Age and Extraction Temperature on Characteristics of Chicken Feet Skin Gelatin. Proceeding of The 5th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (Community Empowerment and Tropical Animal Industry), Yogyakarta 19-22 Octob. 2010. Fac of Animal Science, University of Gadjah Mada.
- Umar Santoso, 2012. Effects of processing on antioxidants from plant foods. Abstract. International Seminar on Food Factors. PATPI, Jkrt. Octob 3-4. 2012. (Poster).
- Umar Santoso, 2012. Assuring halal foods in Indonesia. International Seminar on Food Factors. PATPI, Jkt. Proceeding of Seminar International of Food Factors, PATPI , Jakarta, 3-4 Octob. 2012.
- Umar Santoso, 2012. Assuring halal foods in Indonesia. International Seminar on Food Factors. PATPI, Jkt. Proceeding of Seminar International of Food Factors, PATPI , Jakarta, 3-4 Octob. 2012.
- Umar Santoso, 2012. Progress and achievements of LPPOM MUI DIY. The 2th International Halal Seminar of food and pharmaceutical products, 17-18 Octob 2012.
- Henny Krissetiana H, Sri Rahayu, Umar Santoso, 2014. Sensory properties and antioxidant activity of noodle made from kleci potato. Proceeding of Seminar PATPI , Jakarta, 15-15 Oct 2014.
- Supriyadi, Afnita, Vita, Andree, dan Santoso, U., 2015. Karakterisasi fisik dan kimia bahan pengemas alami makanan tradisional. Abstrak, Seminar Nasional Penelitian Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian 2015, diselenggarakan oleh PATPI Cabang Yogyakarta, 13 Agustus 2015, Yogyakarta.
- Ulyatu Fitrotin. Pudji Hastuti, Tyas Utami, dan Umar Santoso, 2015, Aktivitas antioksidan secara in vitro susu wijen fermentasi dalam LDL manusia. Abstrak. Seminar Nasional Penelitian Pangan dan Hasil Pertanian 2015, diselenggarakan oleh PATPI Cabang Yogyakarta, 13 Agustus 2015, Yogyakarta.
- Henny Krissetiana H, Sri Rahayu, Umar Santoso, 2014. Sensory properties and antioxidant activity of noodle made from kleci potato. Proceeding of Seminar PATPI , Jakarta, 15-15 Okt 2014.
- Umar Santoso, 2015. Food Security : What we can do. Abstract. General Lecture.UGM Dream 2015. Office of International Affairs (OIA) UGM.
- Umar Santoso, 2015. Exploration of Antioxidants from Tropical Plant Products. UK-Indo Education Symposium on Engineering, Energy, Environmental Sustainability, and Food Security, held by Diponegoro University, Semarang in Collaboration with British Council.
- Muh. Ichsan Haris, Soeparno, Umar Santoso, Rusman, 2015. Study on the Physico-chemical Characteristics of Meat from Goat Given Ration of Papaya Leaves (Carica papayaL.). . Proceeding of The 6th ISTAP, International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production. “Integrated Approach in Developing Sustainable Tropical Animal Production. Faculty of Animal Science, UGM, Yogyakarta, Octob 20-22, 2015.
- Tridjoko W. Murti, Christina Y. Admantin, Umar Santoso, Dyah Ayu Widiasih and Aris Haryanto, 2015. Fraud Identification in Meatball Products using Porcine Detection Kit and Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction Method. Proceeding of The 6th ISTAP, International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production. “Integrated Approach in Developing Sustainable Tropical Animal Production. Faculty of Animal Science, UGM, Yogyakarta, Octob 20-22, 2015.