Indonesia is undergoing a rapid infrastructure development that leads to significant industrial progress in the food sector. As a developing country with abundant natural resources, Indonesia may achieve a country with advanced and reliable food industry. Additionally, the increasing demand for food products and high competition between Indonesian and international producers, research in the food sector and product innovation must be carried out continuously by adopting science and technology.
In order to face the global competition, highly performed resources are required, either in the scientific or expertise development, including in the food science and technology sector. Therefore, the role of the study program in preparing a master’s in food science and technology is essential.
Food Science and Technology study program specializes in master’s education (Stratum-2) and research activities on the food characteristics, compositions, and changes since the agricultural products are harvested, during handling, processing, storage, serving, then consumed and utilized by the body. The Food Science and Technology study program is conducted through two schemes, course-based (regular) and research-based (by research) programs.
Study Program Management
The study program of Master in Food Science and Technology (MFST) can be pursued in two schemes, course-based (regular) and research-based (by research) programs.
Profile of MFST graduates
- Academics and researchers. MFST graduates can be appointed as lecturers in the study programs related to food technology and agricultural product. Additionally, the graduates may also rule as researchers in a research institution or food industry.
- Professionals in Food Industry. MFST graduates could take a role in the food industry, in the department of production, quality assurance, or research and development.
- Bureaucrats in the Food Sector. MFST graduates could work as bureaucrats’ candidates in the food sector, such as in government institutions (National Agency of Drug and Food Control in Indonesia (BPOM), National Standardization Agency (BSN), Ministry of Agricultural, Ministry of Industry), or in global organizations (World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)).
- Entrepreneur in Food Sector. MFST graduates may achieve success as innovative and creative entrepreneurs.
Competence of Graduates
- Attitude
- Contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and civilization based on the five principles.
- Act as citizens who have a sense of responsibility to the country and nation.
- Respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as other’s opinions or original findings.
- Cooperate and have social sensitivity concern for society and the environment.
- Internalize academic values, norms, and ethics.
- Demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in their area of expertise independently.
- Internalize the independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship.
- General Skills
- Able to develop logical, critical, systematic, and creative thinking through scientific research that consider and applies humanities values in the food science and technology sector, compiles scientific conceptions and study results based on scientificprinciples, procedures, and ethics in the form of the thesis and publication in the accredited national or reputable international journals.
- Able to carry out academic validation or studies according to expertise in solving problems in the relevant community or industry by developing their knowledge and expertise.
- Able to compile ideas, thoughts, and scientific arguments responsibly and based on academic ethics and communicate to the academic community and broader community through media.
- Able to identify the scientific field that becomes the research’s objective and appointed it into a developing research map through an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach.
- Able to decide in the context of solving a problem in science and technology development
- Able to manage, develop, and maintain a network with colleagues, peer within the institution and the wider research community.
- Able to enhance learning capacity independently.
- Able to document, store, secure, and rediscover research data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism.
- Able to plan, maintain resources and lead research activity based on expertise, and synthesize the research result to contribute to food science and technology development.
- Special Skills
Able to develop knowledge in the food science and technology sector through research activities producing innovative and reliable work.
Graduation Requirement
- Regular (by course) program
- Have collected 40-50 credits with a minimum GPA of 3,00
- No D and/or E score
- Have published minimum:
- One manuscript in a scientific accredited national journal with a minimum status: “under review,” or
- One manuscript in the international indexed proceedings with a minimum status: “accepted.”
- Research-based (by research) program
- Have collected 36-38 credits with a minimum GPA of 3,25
- No D and/or E score
- Have published minimum:
- One manuscript in a scientific international indexed journal with the status: “accepted,” or
- Two manuscripts in the international indexed proceeding with the status: “accepted.”
- Regular (by course) program
- The curriculum is designed for the student to complete their study within two years
- The student who is not an undergraduate of Food and Agricultural Product Technology or other relatedstudy programs must pursue matriculation courses. The scores of matriculation courses are not included in the calculation of credits and GPA.
- Elective courses can be taken from other study programs within the UGM for a maximum of six credits.
- Students allow taking courses from other universities for a maximum of 16 credits with approval by the Head of Study Program for student mobility purposes.
- Other provisions concerning the learning process refer to academic regulation at the faculty or university level.
- Research-based (by research) program
- The curriculum is designed for the student to complete their study within two years
- Some of the thesis research can be done outside the study program with the approval by the Head of Study Program
- Other provisions concerning the learning process refer to academic regulation at the faculty or university level.
Courses for the Master in Food Science and Technology Study Program
No Code Course Credit Semester REGULAR PROGRAM 1st Semester 1 TPTP215011 Research Methodology 3 Odd/Even 2 TPTP215013 Advanced in Food Analysis 2 Odd/Even 3 TPTP215014 Scientific Communication I 1 Odd/Even 4 Elective courses Odd 2nd Semester 1 TPTP215012 Independent Study 3 Odd/Even 2 Elective courses Even 3rd Semester 1 TPTP216091 Thesis 12 Odd/Even 4th Semester 1 TPTP216091 Thesis 12 Odd/Even 2 TPTP216011 Scientific Communication II 1 Odd/Even BY RESEARCH PROGRAM 1st Semester 1 TPTP215011 Research Methodology 3 Odd/Even 2 TPTP215013 Advanced in Food Analysis 2 Odd/Even 3 TPTP215014 Scientific Communication I 1 Odd/Even 4 Elective courses 2nd Semester 1 TPTP216092 Thesis 30 Odd/Even 3rd Semester 1 TPTP216092 Thesis 30 Odd/Even 4th Semester 1 TPTP216092 Thesis 30 Odd/Even Elective and Matriculation Courses for the Master in Food Science and Technology Study Program
No Code Course Credits Semester Elective Courses 1 TPTP215121 Chemistry and Technology of Protein 2 Odd 2 TPTP215122 Chemistry and Technology of Carbohydrates 2 Odd 3 TPTP215123 Chemistry and Technology of Lipid 2 Odd 4 TPTP215124 Waste Management 2 Odd 5 TPTP215125 Nutrition Science I: Macronutrients 2 Odd 6 TPTP215126 Experimental Nutrition Science 2 Odd 7 TPTP215127 Laboratory Practice on Experimental Nutrition Science 2 Odd 8 TPTP215128 Probiotics and Prebiotics 2 Odd 9 TPTP215129 Post Harvest Physiology 2 Odd 10 TPTP215230 Food Flavor 2 Even 11 TPTP215231 Nutrition Science II: Micronutrients 2 Even 12 TPTP215232 Chemistry and Technology of Enzymes 2 Even 13 TPTP215233 Food Microbiological Process 2 Even 14 TPTP215234 Thermal Process in Food Preservation 2 Even 15 TPTP215235 Fermentation and Bioseparation 2 Even 16 TPTP215236 Packaging and Shelf Life 2 Even 17 TPTP215237 Emulsion and Surfactant 2 Even 18 TPTP215238 Quality Management System 3 Even 19 TPTP215060 Functional Food and Nutraceutical in Metabolic Pathway* 2 Odd/Even 20 TPTP215061 Technology and Commercialization of Functional Food and Nutraceutical* 3 Odd/Even 21 TPTP215062 Advanced Nutritional Biochemistry* 3 Odd/Even 22 TPTP215063 Nutrigenomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics and Dietetics* 3 Odd/Even 23 TPTP215064 Selected Topics in Functional Food and Nutrition* 3 Odd/Even 24 TPTP215039 Particular Topics 2 Odd/Even 25 TPTP215140 Recent Topics I 2 Odd 26 TPTP215241 Recent Topics II 2 Even 27 TPTP215042 Selected Topics I 1 Odd/Even 28 TPTP215043 Selected Topics II 1 Odd/Even 29 TPTP215044 Selected Topics III 1 Odd/Even 30 TPTP215045 Selected Topics IV 1 Odd/Even 31 TPTP215046 Selected Topics V 2 Odd/Even 32 TPTP215047 Selected Topics VI 2 Odd/Even 33 TPTP215048 Selected Topics VII 2 Odd/Even 34 TPTP215049 Selected Topics VIII 2 Odd/Even 35 TPTP215050 Selected Topics IX 3 Odd/Even 36 TPTP215051 Selected Topics X 3 Odd/Even 37 TPTP215052 Selected Topics XI 3 Odd/Even 38 TPTP215053 Selected Topics XII 3 Odd/Even *Only offered for students who enroll in the Dual Degree Program Matriculation Courses 1 TPTP215001 Unit Operation 2 Odd/Even 2 TPTP215002 Food Microbiology and Processing 2 Even 3 TPTP215003 Laboratory Practice on Food and Agricultural Product Analysis 2 Even 4 TPTP215004 Laboratory Practice on Process Technology 2 Odd/Even 5 TPTP215005 Biochemistry 3 Odd/Even 6 TPTP215006 Nutrition 3 Odd/Even Teaching Staff
The teaching staffs are from the Faculty of Technology and other Faculties of Universitas Gadjah Mada. All teaching staffs hold national and international doctoral degrees.
- Dr. Arima Diah Setiowati, S.T.P., M.Sc.
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Chusnul Hidayat
- Dian Anggraini Suroto, S.T.P., M.P., M.Eng., Ph.D.
- Dr. lr. Didik Purwadi, M.Ec.
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr.
- Dr. Dwi Larasatie Nur Fibri, S.T.P., M.Sc.
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Endang S. Rahayu, M.S.
- Dr.nat.techn. FMC Sigit Setyabudi, S.T.P., M.P.
- Dr.rer.nat. Lucia Dhiantika Witasari, S.Farm., Apt., M.Biotech.
- Dr. Manikharda, S.T.P., M.Agr.
- Dr. Ir. Muhammad Nur Cahyanto, M.Sc.
- Dr. Ir. Priyanto Triwitono, M.P.
- Rachma Wikandari, S.T.P., M.Biotech., Ph.D.
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Retno Indrati, M.Sc.
- Prof. Dr. Ria Millati, S.T., M.T.
- Dr. Rini Yanti, S.T.P., M.P.
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Raharjo, M.Sc.
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Supriyadi, M.Sc.
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Tyas Utami, M.Sc.
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Umar Santoso, M.Sc
- Dr. Widiastuti Setyaningsih, S.T.P., M.Sc.
- Yunika Mayangsari, S.Si. M. Biotech., Ph.D.
- Prof. Dr. Yudi Pranoto, S.T.P., M.P.
Prospective students
Prospective students of the Master in Food Science and Technology Study Program (S-2) UGM are undergraduate students covering the following fields:
- Food and Agricultural Product Technology
- Chemical Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Chemistry
- Agrotechnology
- Fishery
- Other related fields
The Compulsory Courses
- Scientific Communication I (TPTP215014/1 Credit)
Principles of scientific communication, publication ethics, use of various media, and scientific communication techniques include preparing scientific papers and presenting them orally and in writing.
- Scientific Communication II (TPTP215015/1 Credit)
Assistance in preparing manuscript writing from research results, including titles, abstracts, introductions, research methods, results and discussion, conclusions-suggestions, and bibliography. Evaluation of the quality of national and international scientific journals.
- Research Methodology (TPTP215011/3 Credits)
Philosophy of science, scientific research steps, including formulating research gaps, searching for sources of information and managing references, hypotheses, research methods, and the basis for conclusions. Basic principles and objectives of experimental design: mathematical models, statistics, and analysis related to research in food science and crop products.
- Independent Study (TPTP215012/3 Credits)
A structured monitoring system in perfecting proposals and preparing for research implementation. Search journals for the preparation of thesis proposals. Implementation of activities by searching journals, presentations, and discussion of research planning cases.
- Advanced in Food Analysis (TPTP215013/2 Credits)
Basic theory, working principles, and techniques for using chemical analysis methods and instruments, including separation, qualitative and quantitative analysis by chromatography, vibrational spectroscopy, XRD, spectrophotometry, and interpretation of measurement results.
- Thesis (TPTP216091/12 Credits)
Preparation of research proposals, implementation of research, data analysis, preparation of theses, and publication of research results in accredited national scientific journals or indexed international proceedings.
- Thesis (TPTP216092/30 Credits)
Preparation of research proposals, implementation of research, data analysis, preparation of theses, and publication of research results in accredited national scientific journals or indexed international proceedings.
The Elective Courses
- Chemistry and Technology of Protein (TPTP215121/2 Credits)
Problems and challenges in protein chemistry and technology, especially aspects of their functional properties and modifications, as well as extraction and isolation techniques. The development of science and technology in protein chemistry and technology. Student presentation of the latest research results in protein chemistry and technology.
- Chemistry and Technology of Carbohydrates (TPTP215122/2 Credits)
Problems and challenges in carbohydrate chemistry and technology, especially aspects of extraction, characterization, and functional properties, as well as modification of polysaccharides. The development of science and technology in chemistry and carbohydrate technology. Student presentation of research results.
- Chemistry and Technology of Lipid (TPTP215123/2 Credits)
Exploration of new fat and oil resources, extracting and refining fats and oils from these sources, and their physical and chemical profiles. Fats and oils modification technology are often used and how to characterize them. Provide the latest developments regarding research, processing technology, and applications of lipids (oleogels and solid lipid nanoparticles). Student presentation of the latest research results in lipid chemistry and technology.
- Post-harvest Physiology (TPTP215124/2 Credits)
Problems and challenges in post-harvest physiology, especially aspects of post-harvest technology, packaging, cooling, storage in modified atmospheres, controlled atmospheres, and edible coatings. The development of science and technology in post-harvest physiology.
- Nutrition Science I: Macronutrients (TPTP215125/2 Credits)
Problems and challenges in macronutrients, especially aspects of the linkages of macronutrient metabolism and their implications for health, dietary fiber and resistant starch: physical, chemical properties, their physiological role in the body, and metabolic disorders related to macronutrients. The development of science and technology in macronutrients. Student presentation of the latest research results in macronutrients.
- Experimental Nutrition Science (TPTP215126/2 Credits)
Techniques for testing the quality of nutrients chemically, biochemically, biologically, and microbiologically. Nutritional research methods with experimental animals and humans and their code of ethics. Selection and management of experimental animals in nutritional research and sampling techniques (blood, urine, organs, etc.) from experimental animals.
- Laboratory Practice on Experimental Nutrition Science (TPTP215127/2 Credits)
Maintenance of experimental animals, preparation of experimental animal diets, and effect of certain diets on blood parameters in specific observation periods. Sampling technique and sample preparation.
- Probiotics and Prebiotics (TPTP215128/2 Credits)
The concept of probiotics, requirements for probiotic strains, screening, effects on health, and application of probiotics in the food sector. The concept of prebiotics, types of prebiotics, effects on health, and the application of prebiotics in the food sector. Gut microbiota and influencing factors. The development of science and technology in probiotics and prebiotics. Student presentation of the latest research results in probiotics and prebiotics.
- Waste Management (TPTP215129/2 Credits)
Problems and challenges in managing food and agricultural product waste towards zero waste. The development of science and technology in waste management. Student presentation of the latest research results in waste management.
- Food Flavor (TPTP215230/2 Credits)
Flavor components in food ingredients naturally or those formed during processing. Production of flavor components through chemical processes, microbiological and enzymatic biotransformation/bioconversion. Isolation, determination, and characterization of flavor compounds. Application of flavor components for the food industry. The development of science and technology in food flavor. Student presentation of the latest research results in food flavor.
- Nutrition Science II: Micronutrients (TPTP215231/2 Credits)
Problems and challenges in micronutrients, especially aspects of the linkage of vitamins and minerals with the metabolism of macronutrients; health problems due to deficiency or excess of vitamins and minerals; as well as up-to-date information on the role of vitamins and minerals in the prevention and treatment of degenerative diseases. The development of science and technology in micronutrients. Student presentation of the latest research results in micronutrients.
- Enzyme Chemistry and Technology (TPTP215232/2 Credits)
Enzyme chemistry and function, enzyme kinetics, modification of physical properties, enzyme production, industrial application of enzymes, and scientific and technological developments in chemistry and enzyme technology. Student presentation of the latest research results in chemistry and enzyme technology.
- Food Microbiology Process (TPTP215233/2 Credits)
The microbial properties of food include the process of biodegradation of carbohydrate, protein and fat compounds, as well as the biosynthesis of organic acids, amino acids, secondary metabolites, vitamins, antimicrobials, and toxins. Development of science and technology in food microbiological processes. Student presentation of the latest research results in food microbiological processes.
- The Thermal Process of Food Preservation (TPTP215234/2 Credits)
The behavior of spoilage bacteria in packaged food products. Measurement and calculation of resistance, D, Z values, and activation energy of bacterial spore destruction and food quality factors during the heating process. Kinetics of bacterial spore death and deterioration of quality elements. Calculating heat transfer of various kinds of food products and various shapes and sizes of packages. Determination of the point in the package that experiences the slowest heating and calculating the required level of thermal processing. Calculation of sterilization time by graphical and mathematical methods. The development of science and technology in food preservation thermal processes. Student presentation of the latest research on the thermal process of food preservation.
- Fermentation and Bioseparation (TPTP215235/2 Credits)
Problems and challenges in fermentation and bioseparation, especially aspects of the fermentation medium, microbial management, inoculum development, bioreactor design, aeration, fermentation process control, and the principles of bioseparation and its application in the fermentation industry. The development of science and technology in fermentation and bioseparation. Student presentation of the latest research results in fermentation and bioseparation.
- Packaging and Shelf Life (TPTP215236/2 Credits)
The physical, chemical, and mechanical properties and their relationship to the deterioration of the material’s quality. Development of edible films/coatings from agricultural biopolymers to preserve food processing and agricultural products. Calculating the kinetics of deterioration in food quality and predicting food shelf life with the permeability of packaging materials to oxygen and water vapor. Calculation of the shelf life of packaged food products using the accelerated method. The development of science and technology in packaging and shelf life. Student presentation of the latest research results in packaging and shelf life.
- Emulsion and Surfactant Technology (TPTP215237/2 Credits)
Mechanism of emulsion formation, surfactant chemistry, surfactant function in emulsion systems, emulsion formulation, emulsion stability. Application of emulsion systems in micro/nano-encapsulation of food ingredients/agricultural products. The development of science and technology in emulsions and surfactants. Student presentation of the latest research results in emulsion and surfactant technology.
- Quality Management System (TPTP215238/3 Credits)
Quality management principles and main elements of quality management systems, ISO 9001, ISO 14000, and ISO 22000 quality management system standards. Documentation systems, audit planning, and ISO standard linkages with other quality standard systems.
- Advanced Nutritional Biochemistry (TPTP215062/3 Credits)
Nutrients and types of bioactive compounds; functional regulation and metabolism of nutrients and bioactive compounds at the cellular level; metabolism of nutrients and bioactive compounds affect diseases such as NCDs; metabolism of nutrients and bioactive compounds with well-being and prevention effects such as anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-obesity, anti-cancer, and anti-diabetes and case study
- Functional Food and Nutraceutical in Metabolic Pathway (TPTP215060/2 Credits)
Principles of metabolic pathway, the energy of life and cellular energy, system and regulation of metabolic pathways; metabolism of functional food, dietary supplement, nutraceutical, phytochemical and dietary fiber; functional food and nutraceutical for gut health; anti-oxidation, oxidative stress and the aging process; functional food and nutraceutical on glucose control; the central nerve system (CNS) and the effect of functional food preventing Alzheimer’s disease and/or other neurodegenerative diseases; functional food and nutraceutical affecting on the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the cardiovascular system (CVS) and case study.
- Technology and Commercialization of Functional Food and Nutraceutical (TPTP215061/3 Credits)
Food industry, food business and market value of functional food and nutraceutical; consumer and marketing of functional food and nutraceutical; technology of functional food and nutraceutical processing; extraction, separation and purification technology of bioactive compound/functional ingredient; dehydration and powder technology; encapsulation technology of nutraceuticals, dietary supplement and functional ingredient; technology of capsule and tablet of nutraceuticals, dietary supplement and functional ingredient; packaging technology of functional food and dietary supplement; development of product prototype, shelf life study and sensory evaluation of functional food; and case study of food, nutraceuticals, and dietary supplement industry/factory.
- Nutrigenomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics, and Dietetics (TPTP215063/3 Credits)
Genetic materials and expression; overview of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics; mechanism of epigenetic modification; gene polymorphism and response to diet; function and reaction of nutrients and bioactive substances to genetic material; regulation of gene expression by nutrients and bioactive substances; effect of nutrients and bioactive compounds on gene expression mechanisms in diseases such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, chronic kidney disease; individual nutrition and disease; up-to-date knowledge of technology and omic’s analysis.
- Selected Topics in Functional Food and Nutrition (TPTP215064/3 Credits)
Up-to-date and interesting topics and technology in functional food and nutrition such as nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics; functional food ingredient; animal cell culture for testing of biological activities; probiotic and prebiotic; herbs and spices; bioactive peptide; membrane for production of bioactive compound; antioxidants technique and analysis of bioactive compounds.
- Special Topics (TPTP215039/2 Credits)
Writing papers, doing small research, or other assignments. Lecture material according to student choice. It can be taken from other study programs or faculties, and it can be given more than once in different semesters. Taking special assignments must be approved by a supervisor who participates in planning the direction of research and its use after graduation according to the needs of the work field.
- Recent Topics I and II (TPTP215140 and TPTP215241/2 Credits)
Discussing specific topics that are currently current or advances in sciences that have not been accommodated in current courses and are deemed necessary to support the development of food science and technology.
- Topik Terpilih I-XII (TPTP215042- 215053/1-3 Credits)
It contains student academic activities to accommodate student mobility activities with credits according to partner universities and can be carried out in Odd or Even Semesters.
Matriculation Courses
- Biochemistry (TPTP215001/3 Credits)
Various structures, biomolecules, and functions (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes); and its interactions in water, acid-base. The concept of metabolism and bioenergetics through glycolysis, krebs cycle, electron transfer, photosynthesis, pentose phosphate pathway, urea cycle, biological oxidation of fatty acids, synthesis of macromolecules (carbohydrates and lipids).
- Unit Operation (TPTP215002/2 Credits)
Application of basic processes which include preparation of raw materials, size reduction and enlargement, mixing and homogenization, mechanical separation, and physical separation, evaporation, crystallization, drying, and cooling in a food and agricultural product processing.
- Food Microbiology and Processing (TPTP215003/3 Credits)
Understanding of microbial growth factors, pathogenic microbial physiology, spoilage of food by fungi, bacteria and yeast, various methods of microbial control, the Hurdle concept, and the risk of microbial contamination in food and food microbiological safety systems
- Nutrition (TPTP215004/3 Credits)
Studying the relationship between nutrition and health, which includes the function of food intake in meeting the needs of nutrients for growth, maintenance and maintenance of optimal health. The material studied includes the digestive system of food, nutritional physiology, metabolism of nutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water) and their effects on health; as well as energy and disease disorders due to deficiency and excess of nutrients.
- Laboratory Practice on Food and Agricultural Product Analysis (TPTP215005/2 Credits)
Preparation of solutions and standardization of solutions for analysis, sample preparation, analysis of proximate and minor components, gravimetric and volumetric methods, use of chromatographic and spectrophotometric methods for quantitative determination of food components.
- Laboratory Practice on Process Technology (TPTP215006/2 Credits)
Design and embodiment of defined product concepts, process design and optimization. Application of business analysis, process verification at optimum conditions to produce product prototypes as required. Product prototype validation with packaging, marketing and industry profiling.
Registration Requirement
The requirement and enrollment schedule of the program can be seen at https://um.ugm.ac.id/persyaratan-pendaftaran-magister/. The additional requirements applied for the by research program:
- Experience in the research sector for at least two years, or
- Published a minimum of one paper in the national scientific journal SINTA 3
- Have a pre-proposal document containing research interest
For further information please check out this spesification program document
For further information, please contact
Dr. Muhammad Nur Cahyanto +62 852-2806-4602
Dr. Widiastuti Setyaningsih +62 821-1319-0088
Faculty of Agricultural Technology, UGM
Flora I Street, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281
Tel. (0274) 544716; Fax (0274) 589797
E-mail : pasca_ftpugm@ugm.ac.id
Website: www.pasca.tp.ugm.ac.id