The Directorate of Information Systems and Resources (DSSDI) is carried out the design and management of information technology infrastructure reliability and security to align information systems and technology with business processes within UGM. Since May 2015, DSSDI UGM has had two internet lines: the first line is the main line and the other one is a backup line. Currently, there are 18 faculties of graduate schools and vocational schools are connected using fiber optic cables so that computer networks can be monitored and detected earlier when disturbances occur. DSSDI UGM now has 1180 access points connected to UGM Hotspot using UGM Authentication Single Sign On Email. DSSI also manages and supports information systems and databases and develops platforms to support the integration of existing information systems at UGM.
UGM academic and non-academic members can get original software for free and create websites or blogs with hosting provided by DSSDI. Apart from that, DSSDI also provides other services, including Simaster Portal, Campus Bikes, Palawa, Elisa e-Learning, and UGM Media. For further information, please visit the following link