On Monday, October 18, 2021, the Introduction to Agricultural Technology course of TPHP UGM held a guest lecture with the theme “Indonesian Gastronomy”. This guest lecture was delivered by Prof. Dr. Ir. Murdijati Gardjito, M.S., who is a Professor of Food Science and Technology at UGM as well as an expert in Indonesian culinary and gastronomy. The guest lecture which took place at 09.00-10.40 WIB was conducted through the Zoom platform and hosted by Dr. Dwi Larasatie Nur Fibri, S.T.P., M.Sc., TPHP UGM lecturer.
Guest Lecture
On Monday, September 27, 2021, the Introduction to Agricultural Technology course of TPHP UGM held a guest lecture on the topic of “Entrepreneurship”. This guest lecture was presented by Wednes Aria Yuda, owner of Cokelat nDalem, and hosted by Prof. Dr. Ir. Tyas Utami, M.Sc., TPHP UGM lecturer. The guest lecture which took place at 09.00-10.40 WIB was held through the Zoom platform and was attended by 110 participants.
Cokelat nDalem is a chocolate product brand that was originally marketed to tourists visiting Yogyakarta. Cokelat nDalem has a variety of products with different market segments but still pays attention to licensing and product legality. One of the nDalem chocolate product variants, Boenbeans, is made to pay attention to the welfare of cocoa farmers by providing SOPs and guidance to farmers so that the quality of chocolate produced is high.
The Introduction to Agricultural Technology course at TPHP UGM held a guest lecture with the theme “Food and Agricultural Products Industry”. This guest lecture invited a speaker, Ir. Gunawan Wibisono, who is the President Director and Co-Founder of PT Sumber Inti Pangan. The guest lecture which took place on Monday, September 20, 2021, at 09.20-11.05 WIB was hosted by Dr. Dwi Larasatie Nur Fibri, S.T.P., M.Sc. This guest lecture was held through the Webex platform and attended by 115 participants.
On September 13, 2021, the Introduction to Agricultural Technology course of TPHP UGM held a guest lecture with the theme “Career in the Food Industry”. This guest lecture was presented by Ir. Erista Adisetya, M.M. who is an alumnus of TPHP UGM, and hosted by Prof. Dr. Ir. Tyas Utami, M.Sc., a lecturer at TPHP UGM. The guest lecture which took place at 14.00-16.00 WIB was held through the Zoom platform and was attended by 111 participants.
The college period is a critical time in determining future careers. The key to determining a career is to understand yourself, focus on the path to be taken, and not limit the challenges in achieving success. Career focuses in the TPHP field that can be pursued include the food industry, operational divisions, entrepreneurs, and academics.
On Monday, September 6, 2021, the Introduction to Agricultural Technology course at TPHP UGM held a guest lecture with the theme “Manners and Ethics”. This guest lecture was delivered by Diana Setiyawati from the Faculty of Psychology UGM and hosted by Dr. Dwi Larasatie Nur Fibri, S.T.P., M.Sc., a lecturer at TPHP UGM. The guest lecture which took place at 09.06-10.46 WIB was held using joinpd.com from peardeck.com where students can give direct responses online and immediately displayed.
Guest Lecture on Plant Design Evaluation: Major Challenges in Setting Supply Objectives and Strategy
On Thursday, June 10, 2021, the TPHP UGM Factory Design Evaluation course held a guest lecture with the theme “Major Challenges in Setting Supply Objectives and Strategy”. This guest lecture was presented by Clara Uniek Melanie Christie from PT Freyabadi Indotama and hosted by Dr.nat.techn. FMC Sigit Setyabudi, S.T.P., M.P., TPHP UGM lecturer. The guest lecture, which took place at 11:00-12:40 WIB, was conducted through the Ms. Teams platform and attended by 112 participants.
The supply chain is a network between a company and its suppliers to produce and distribute certain products to customers. This network usually includes customer orders, PPIC, purchasing, production, and distribution. It needs to be maintained by providing the flow of materials, supplies, and services as required by customers.
On Monday, June 7, 2021, the TPHP UGM Food Industry Sanitation course held a guest lecture with the theme “Sanitation in the Dairy Industry”. This guest lecture was presented by Aditya Putra Nugraha, S.T.P. from PT Sarihusada General Mahardika and hosted by Rachma Wikandari, S.T.P., M.Biotech, Ph.D., a lecturer at TPHP UGM. The guest lecture which took place at 11:00-12:40 WIB was held through the Zoom platform and was attended by 115 participants.
Cleaning is the process of freeing a surface from all dirt or other substances with no impact or damage to the surface being cleaned. The purpose of the cleaning process is to clean the surface of the tool or machine from dirt and contamination because this will directly affect the quality of food.
The Bakery Technology course at TPHP UGM held a guest lecture with the speaker Eriyanto Eko Saputro, S.E. who is the owner of Papa Cookies. The guest lecture which took place on Thursday, June 3, 2021, at 09.00-10.40 WIB was hosted by Dr. Dwi Larasatie Nur Fibri, S.T.P., M.Sc. This guest lecture was held through the Webex platform and attended by 132 participants.
The steps needed to start a bakery business are making a business plan, preparing capital, finding a place, preparing the tools needed, recruiting employees, and preparing bakery business management. In making a business plan, it is necessary to determine what type of bakery business to choose, determine what products will be produced, determine product marketing strategies, and determine financial projections. Then, the source of capital in running a business can come from personal capital, bank capital, and/or profit-sharing (franchise).
On Wednesday, June 2, 2021, the Entrepreneurship course of TPHP UGM held a guest lecture with the theme “Digital Marketing 101: How to Improve Your Online Presence with Digital Marketing Strategy”. This guest lecture was presented by Raissa Sabrina, Ex Social Media Strategist of Female Daily Network, and hosted by Andika Wicaksono Putro, S.T.P., M.Sc., lecturer of TPHP UGM. The guest lecture which took place at 07.15-09.00 WIB was held through the Webex platform and attended by 102 participants.
The Food Industry Sanitation course held a guest lecture on Monday, May 31, 2021, at 11:00 – 12:40 WIB. This guest lecture carried a topic on the Application of Sanitation in Chicken Slaughtering and Processed Products with the speaker, Aditya Taufik Wibowo from PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia and guided by Rachma Wikandari, S.T.P., M.Biotech, Ph.D. as the moderator. This guest lecture was held through the Zoom platform and was attended by 112 participants.
Food is a basic need that must be maintained for the quality of food safety and nutritional value. The goal is that food is beneficial to the body, safe for consumption, and does not pose a health risk. Identification of possible hazards, namely biological (bacteria, fungi), physical (metal flakes, hair, plastic pieces), chemical (antibiotic residues, pesticide residues), and allergens (soy, peanuts, shellfish, wheat, fish, milk, eggs). To protect food from these potential hazards, a quality assurance and food safety system (GMP SSOP and FSSC 22000) is required, including cleaning and sanitizing processes.