
To become a study program with a global reputation and firmly rooted at the national level in the field of food and agricultural products.


  • To organize higher education with a global reputation in the field of food and agricultural products technology to produce graduates with superior competence, noble character, and imbued with the values of Pancasila
  • To carry out research and innovation in the field of food and agricultural products technology for the development of knowledge that benefits society, both locally, nationally, and globally
  • To carry out sustainable community service and empowerment based on the application of science and technology innovation and food-techno-preneurship.


  • To produce graduates who can design value-adding processes for food and agricultural products by combining the principles of food science with various engineering processing processes to produce safe, high-quality and eco-friendly products.
  • To produce technological innovations that can increase the competitiveness of food products and agricultural products.
  • To provide technology packages that provide added value to food products and agricultural products that are utilized by the community