On Tuesday, November 16, 2021, the Department of Food and Agricultural Products Technology of FTP UGM held a community service activity with the topic “Provision, Calculation of Nutritional Value, and Packaging of Complementary Foods (MP-ASI)” for training activities for posyandu cadres in Candibinangun Village, Pakem District. This activity was guided by Dr. Dwi Larasatie Nur Fibri, S.T.P., M.Sc., TPHP UGM lecturer,, and assisted by 2 TPHP UGM students from 2018, namely Yuniar Wika and Rizky Alifiansyah. This service was carried out in a hybrid manner with students going directly to the field and online lecturers from campus to help answer questions from the participants.
The Department of Food and Agricultural Products Technology of FTP UGM held a community service activity themed “Technical Guidance and Alternative Carica Processing Technology” for the Management of the Elderly Cottage and Al-Maa’uun Orphanage, Wonosobo. This activity was guided by Dr. Arima Diah Setiowati, S.T.P., M.Sc., TPHP UGM lecturer. The activity which took place at 09.00-12.30 WIB was carried out through the Zoom Meeting platform.
The event was opened with remarks from Prof. Dr. Ir. Tyas Utami, M.Sc. as Chairperson of the UGM TPHP Department and Mr. Sukarwi as a representative of the elderly cottage and Al-Maa’uun orphanage, Wonosobo. Mr. Sukarwi said that the obstacle that occurs when sending carica fruit outside the area is the shipping cost which is more expensive than the carica fruit itself. So it was thought to increase the added value of carica fruit by making it an instant carica product.
On 10-12 April 2019, the Department of Food Technology and Agricultural Products of FTP UGM held a community service program in the form of training on grass jelly and pumpkin processing for nine participants from the Magetan Regency Food Plantation Horticulture and Food Security Office. The training program was coordinated by Fiametta Ayu Purwandari, STP, M.Sc. The purpose of the training was to provide insight to the participants regarding the food safety of innovative and contemporary products from local sources of the Magetan district, namely pumpkin and grass jelly.
For those of you who like light snacks, you must be familiar with the name rengginang. This glutinous rice snack is still favored by the public. However, who would have thought that the process of making rengginang requires a lot of care and skill? So far, the process of molding rengginang is still done manually, without the use of special printing equipment. In addition to taking a long time, the manual molding process only produces rengginang in low capacity.
Seeing this problem, Ir. Priyanto Triwitono, MP. a lecturer in the department of Agricultural Product Processing Technology (TPHP) of FTP UGM was moved to find a solution to overcome the problem of efficiency and productivity of making rengginang by developing a rengginang printer.